How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely

2:02 AM 0 Comments

How to  Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Working on weight loss? Then you probably want results -- fast.
Let me save you some time: skip the fad diets. Their results don't last. And you have healthier options you can start on -- today!

You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise, says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge, RD.

How to Lose Weight Fast

If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.
If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more.
For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It's very important not to cut calories any further -- that's dangerous.
Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first -- but that's mostly fluids, not fat.
"When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started," says Michael Dansinger, MD, of NBC's The Biggest Loser show.

Diets for Fast Weight Loss

Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, he recommends focusing on fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.
Here are more tips from Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet :
  • Eat vegetables to help you feel full.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get tempting foods out of your home.
  • Stay busy -- you don't want to eat just because you're bored.
  • Eat only from a plate, while seated at a table. No grazing in front of the 'fridge.
  • Don't skip meals.
Keeping a food journal -- writing down everything you eat -- can also help you stay on track.
"Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss," says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It .

Diets for Fast Weight Loss continued...

Besides jotting down what you ate, and when, you might also want to note how you were feeling right before you ate it. Were you angry, sad, or bored? We often focus so much on foods and calories, but our emotions are a huge part of our eating habits.
If you see a persistent pattern in your emotional eating, please consider talking to a counselor about it. They can be a big help in finding other ways to handle your feelings.

Exercising for Fast Weight Loss

It's time to move more! Losing weight requires close to an hour a day of moderate exercise, one study shows.
Plan to do cardio and strength training.
"Cardio burns the most calories, so it is ideal for fast weight loss, but afterward you need to include a few hours a week of strength training," Dansinger says. To burn the most fat, try to break a sweat after your warm-up and keep sweating for the entire hour, Dansinger says.

If you're not exercising now, and you have a chronic condition or a lot of weight to lose, it's wise to check in with your health care provider first. They'll be rooting for you! And they'll make sure that you're ready to work out.
Pace yourself. Don't do too much, too soon -- work your way up to help prevent injury.
One way to step up the intensity is to do interval training -- brief bursts of high-intensity, followed by a more mellow pace, and repeating that pattern throughout your workout.
"Interval training allows people to work harder without having to spend the entire time at the higher level, and over time, the more you do it, the easier it becomes to burn more calories," Blatner says.

Fad Diets and Crash Diets

I know how tempting diet crazes can sound, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. You hear about stars who did it and look incredible.
But remember, if a diet plan sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Also, please skip any programs that promote detoxification pills, laxatives, fasting, or potions, and any that promise weight loss faster than 2-3 pounds per week.

Fad Diets and Crash Diets continued...

The truth is that cutting calories below 1,050-1,200 per day is counterproductive, because you need strong muscles to be able to exercise effectively.
"When you eat too few calories, you lose fat but also precious muscle, which is the worst thing you could do because it slows your metabolism and makes it more difficult to increase exercise intensity or duration," Dansinger says.

Fad diets also set you up for failure by depriving you of what you want. You can't eat like that for long, and it's too likely that you'll rebel and end up back where you started. You deserve better than that!
So by all means, attack your weight loss goal. Put it on the fast track. But please, do it right so you set yourself up for lasting success.




How to make Your Hair Grow Really, Really Long 11 tricks

1:27 PM 0 Comments

1. Remember that it can't grow overnight.
Unless your scalp unleashes new strands like a Chia Pet, gaining new length is going to take time. "Hair typically only grows about a quarter of an inch — to a half an inch max — a month," says celebrity hair stylist Mark Townsend, who helped Ashley Olsen grow out her asymmetric bob to past her waist. "And that's only if it is super-healthy and doesn't have a ton of split ends." The bottom line: practice patience.
2. Ironically, a scissor is your friend.
Although getting regular trims to snip splits won't make your hair actually grow faster, it will keep tips looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, requiring you to chop hair off more often. "If you wait so long that splits are causing your hair to break off high up on the strand, your hair will actually be shorter than if you get consistent trims," Townsend says, who suggests asking your stylist to take around just an eighth of an inch off every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent extreme split ends before they start.
3. Use conditioner every time you shampoo.
"If your hair is wet, that means you have to condition it," Townsend says. "Over time, from coloring and heat styling, strands start to get thinner at the bottom." Conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft, "as well as seal the cuticle to help prevent more damage from happening so that you can get your hair to grow longer and look healthier," he says.
4. And don't shampoo every time you shower.
"It's shocking to me how many women skip conditioner when showering, which is the worst thing you can do for your hair — especially when you're trying to grow it long — and it's actually shampoo that you should be skipping as much as possible," Townsend says. Here's why: The purpose of shampoo is to wash away dirt and product buildup, but it can also take essential natural oils that keep strands soft and healthy along with it. When you really do need shampoo, be gentler on your hair by only lathering up at your scalp and then simply letting the suds slide down strands, hitting the rest of the hair as the water rinses it away.
5. Apply an oil or mask treatment weekly.
Because hair that touches your shoulders or beyond can be several years old and most likely needs more TLC than normal conditioner. Townsend suggests using moisture-based masks and oils weekly. "I make a natural oil treatment and give it to all of my clients to use pre-shampoo," Townsend says. (His easy recipe: 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with 1 tablespoon each of almond, macadamia and jojoba oil.) Because oils can leave a residue on hair, he says to apply it to damp hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, then shampoo and condition like normal. "These oils are able to fill strands up with fatty acids and then, when rinsed out, using regular shampoo helps seal them inside hair," Townsend says, adding that Kate Bosworth, Diane Kruger, and Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen are fans. Not into DIY? Try an oil-based hair treatment instead, such as Nexxus Oil Infinite Nourishing Hair Oil.
6. Consider trying hair-boosting supplements.
Your body requires many vital nutrients to create new hair, from ample protein to a slew of essential minerals. So take a look at your diet — because while eating a balanced diet helps, you may not be getting the proper amount of all the hair-building nutrients needed to create healthy hair that can grow super-long and withstand damage. "I take Viviscal Extra Strength and biotin tablets every day and tell my clients to do so as well — especially if they want to grow their hair and make it healthier as soon as it comes out of the follicle," Townsend says. Before starting to take supplements, it's best to check in with your doctor to make sure not only that you take the right amounts and that they won't interact with any medications you're currently taking.
7. Brush your hair like it's spun from gold.
Constant brushing can cause physical harm to your hair. "When you detangle wet hair, be sure to start from the bottom and work your way up — we often instinctually go from the scalp down but that just brings small tangles into one large knot and can cause you to lose a lot of hair," Townsend explains. He also suggests reaching for the Sheila Stotts Natural Boar Bristle Brush, as boar bristle brushes are good at distributing your scalp's natural oils down your hair and being extra-gentle on strands too.
8. Ditch your cotton pillowcase.
Townsend recommends switching to a sateen fabric such as Calvin Klein Sateen White Sheeting because it has a softer surface that won't cause friction the way that regularly woven cotton does with your hair, so you'll wake up with fewer tangles.
9. Never, ever wrap your hair in a massive towel again.
What could be so bad about putting hair in your super soft bath towel? A lot. "It causes so much breakage," Townsend says. "Your hair gets caught in all the woven fibers and since most women almost always wrap it too tight around their face, all those tiny, fragile strands around your face are more prone to break." Opt for the super-thin and soft microfiber hair towels instead (like Aquis microfiber hair towel), which are totally OK to wrap into a turban.
10. Switch up your pony placement.
It's an easy move that can help maintain the integrity of your strands wherever you tend to secure your ponytail all the time, which means they'll continue to grow out strong and damage-free.
11. Do a cold-water rinse at the end of each shower.
"This really does help to grow hair and keep long hair healthy for longer," Townsend says. "Cold water lays down the outer layer of hair more smoothly, which helps prevent moisture loss, snags and heat damage — you only need to do it for a few seconds, but this one extra step over time can make a huge difference."


How to create a Flower from Plastic Spoons

2:22 AM 0 Comments

How to create a Flower from Plastic Spoons
to create a plastic spoons flower you will need
The next step is to Light the candle and stick it onto a firm base. To do this hold the lighted candle horizontally a little above the base. Drops of wax will fall down. When they do, stick the base of the candle onto the base you want to stick it on.

Step 3.Hold the back of the head of the spoon horizontally towards the flame. When the sides start curling up, take it off the flame.
Step 4.Now hold the other side of the spoon's head towards the candle, not for long, just to blacken the other side as well.
And now Do the same for as many spoons as you want. (about 5 spoons should be sufficient) 
The next thing you need to do is to take two of the spoons you make and stick their necks together by putting one spoon over another in a criss-cross way. slightly melt the point of intersection for the spoons to bond. Snip off only ONE of the handles of one of the spoons.
Do the same for the remaining spoons.
After you have stuck all the petals, take one of the handles of the spoons you have snipped of and slightly melt the bottom bit and attack it to your flower like a stem. If you prefer it without a stem, you may skip this step.
Very slightly burn the stem to make it look like the rest of the flower.
And you are done



How to make paracord bracelets

1:50 PM 0 Comments

How to make paracord bracelets


 first you will need a lot of paracord and in different colors 

And you wil need a buckles too
 the last thing you need is scissors and a candle(lighter)
now…to do one color is easy peasy.
to do two colors isn’t that hard just a bit more work.
for two colors….cut a 3 1/2 -4 foot piece of one color and a  3 1/2-4 foot piece of the other color. you are going to slide your fingernail along the paracord rope of one color repeatedly. this makes the white  strings on the inside come out one end  and makes a hole in the other side…
then you take the other color…and melt it a little bit with the lighter and pinch it together so it’s nice and pointy
and stick it in the whole you just made. then melt those two suckers together really good! (you might want to get a bowl of ice…you might burn yourself. i melt it. give it just a second to cool and then press it together.
give it a little tug and see if it holds! if it does then let’s move on (if not..melt melt melt again!)

 alright! grab your clip and let’s get started! (if you just want on color–cut a 8 inch strip and start here)
1. you are going to measure the strip in the middle and stick that folded middle piece in one side of the clasp
2.fold up the ends around the clasp and back down into the loop.
3. the burned part is pretty stiff so i always make sure it’s not on the clasp or it won’t lay flat.
4. take the ends and put them through the other side of the clasp (make sure they aren’t twisted)
you are going to pull these up until they are about an inch bigger than your wrist
5. undo clasp (this is tricky if you are making this for yourself to undo the clasp so if you have a friend around have them help you…make sure to hold the cord and the clasp so it stays the correct size.
6. you are going to immediately start the braiding…the first one is super tricky cause you have to hold the clasp and make sure it doesn’t move…i always do this first on for my kids just to make sure…but picture 6 is how you want your bracelet to look…
let’s move on how to braid it!!!
if you have ever done friendship bracelets this will be pretty easy for you!
when doing two colors you need to make sure two things. you always start with the same color…(like i will always start with my light blue one) and that the clip is always on the same side…it will be twisted if you don’t (it can be fixed though!)
7. you make a loop (light blue) and put it behind the two middle pieces.
8. the dark blue on the other side goes behind the light blue piece you just brought over.
9 and now that dark blue piece goes up over the two middle pieces
10 and down the loop you just made
11. then slowly pull both sides up
12 until nice and tight
and repeat!
14 –make loop (remember…always start with the same color) so my light blue is now on the right and i make a loop and put it behind to the other side
15. then under …over …and through.
pull up and tighten.

16. repeat repeat repeat.
when you get the end..and if you still have cord…you can usually shove up the braided part to make it nice and tight and fit a few more braids.
(if it doesn’t look right..unbraid to the point it got messed up and do it again…
17…when you are out of string or room.. check to make sure it fits your wrist. if it doesn’t  fit… need to unravel it all the way and start at the beginning (step 4) (think of it as awesome practice)
if it fits you are going to snip off the excess of one color..and melt the end
18 .and take your finger(or stick) and melt it into the braid.
(turn over and repeat with the other color!) make sure they are nice and melted!
(i save the ends if they are longer than a foot–cause you could make a little keychain thing with them!)
if you stayed with one color and made sure the clasp stayed on the same side the whole time you will have one color on the inside all the way down…and if you flip it over –that same color will be the outside pieces…




How to Make a Heart Cake (you will need only one minute)

1:29 PM 0 Comments

Here is an awesome way to surprise your family,or your girlfriend/boyfriend
i hope you will like it


How to Make Perfect Homemade Pizza

4:47 AM 0 Comments

How to Make Perfect Homemade Pizza


We as a world, and particularly as a nation, love our pizza. America alone eats about 350 slices of pizza every second. Despite our infatuation with the dish, pizza remains synonymous with delivery, take-out, or standard restaurant fare. This needs to change.

 Over the past few years I’ve been experimenting with countless different pizza recipes, trying different crusts, sauces, and toppings. This article is a summation of all that I’ve learned and it’s a plea to get people to try the delicious pizzeria quality pies that can be made in college apartment kitchens.Here are some of my core tips to making the perfect homemade pizza and some of my basic recipes for homemade dough and sauce.

 Tip 1: Get that oven HOT. Crank up your oven to its highest temperature which is usually around 520 and cook your pizza on the lowest possible shelf position (ovens are hotter on the bottom).Tip 

2: Don’t spread too much sauce on your pizza. Use less of a stronger flavored sauce to prevent your pizza from becoming soggy. 

Tip 3: Use bread flour to make the dough. Bread flour has a higher protein content than its all-purpose cousin and will therefore make a crispier crust. 

Tip 4: Use un-shredded cheese and cut it yourself. Shredded cheese has anti-caking agents that don’t allow it to melt as well. Even better, use fresh mozzarella cheese for a truly pizzeria quality experience.

The Dough
Prep Time: 15 minutes (with 1 hour for rising)
Cook Time: 0 hours
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings: 4 pizzas
  • 4 cup bread flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 ½ cup very warm water
  • 1 envelope fast acting yeast
  • 3 tablespoon olive oil
1. Stir together the yeast, water, and sugar and let sit for five minutes.
2. Combine the flour, salt, olive oil, and yeast mixture in a large bowl.
3. Mix the dough thoroughly and switch to your hands once the dough has started to come together. Knead this dough for about ten minutes, adding more flour if the dough seems too sticky (you might have to add up to a cup of additional flour). The dough should feel tacky but shouldn’t stick to your fingers.
4. Let the dough rise in a lightly oiled bowl, covered, for at least 1 hour.

The Sauce

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 hours
Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 4 pizza's worth

  • 1 14.5-oz. can diced or crushed tomatoes
  • 2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar (optional)
1.Blend all the ingredients together with a food processor. You can manually mince all the ingredients and use crushed tomatoes if you don’t have a food processor.

The Final Assembly

  1. Preheat the oven to the highest possible baking temperature.
  2. Flatten out the dough on a lightly floured surface using the heel of your hand. Press down in the center to keep a raised crust along the edges.  Flatten and stretch the dough with your hands until it is about 1/4 inch in thickness. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet.
    #SpoonTip: Make sure the dough is well floured enough to slide freely on the sheet.
    3. Spread the sauce on top of the pizza. Use a brush or your fingers to lightly oil the crust area.
    4.Put your toppings on the pizza. 
     5.Bake for 12-17 minutes on the lowest shelf until the crust is very well browned and crispy.




How to Make Pancakes from Scratch

4:21 AM 0 Comments

How to Make Pancakes from Scratch

Put away the Bisquick and suprise the whole family with this ultimate pancake recipe.


Here is an super easy way to create a pancakes here is how:

Pancake Recipe Ingredients
1. (2 cups all-purpose flour)
2. (2 ½ tsp baking powder)
3. (½ tsp salt)
4. (1 egg, beaten lightly)
5 (1 ½ cups milk)
6. (2 tbsp butter, melted)

Sift together first three ingredients (to prevent lumps). In a separate bowl, mix egg and milk, then add it to flour mix, stirring until just smooth. Then stir in butter. If you want to mix it up, throw in blueberries, a tiny dice of apple, or bits of banana. Grease a griddle or nonstick pan with cooking spray or a little vegetable oil. Heat pan on medium for about ten minutes. Pour batter to form pancakes of whatever size you like. Cook first side until bubbles form on top, about three minutes; then flip and cook other side until it, too, is brown, about two minutes. Serve immediately with butter and syrup or hold briefly in warm oven. Serves four.




How to make Cheap & Easy Chocolate Cake

4:04 AM 0 Comments

Cake ingredients:
5 oz Self raising flour
1 oz Cocoa
6 oz Sugar (caster, granulated, golden caster all fine)
6 oz Marg (or softened butter)
2 Eggs (medium or large, doesn't matter as you'll weigh
medium are
Splash of milk
1 tsp Baking powder
2 oz Dark chocolate (optional but awesome)
1 tsp Coffee granules dissolved in 1tbsp boiling water
(optional but awesome)
1. Preheat the oven for 170C for a fan oven, or 180C if not.
Using a medium sized bowl a
dd the ingredients in this order: self
raising flour, cocoa, baking
powder, sugar, marg, eggs, milk. Weigh the eggs, adding milk to make them up to 6 oz.
2. Using an electric whisk, mix it all together, starting on a slow speed (beware getting covered in
flour!) and then increasing the speed. Whisk together for about 2
3 minutes, and see the mixture
get paler and smoother in texture.
3. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, for 30 seconds at a time. Stirring in between each
heating. Should take about a mi
nute in total.
4. Mix the coffee granules with boiling/hot water.
5. Fold the coffee into the mixture, followed by the chocolate. (Just make sure you don't add them
chocolate does not like water, even water with coffee in!) Fold in gently
until the
chocolate is completely mixed in. Don't worry if you end up with some little lumps of chocolate
you won't be able to tell once you've baked it.
6. Grease and line two 6" or 7" cake tins with greaseproof paper. Divide the mixture between
them a
nd put into the oven for 25 minutes. After that time if you poke them with a knife, the
knife should come out clean, and then should bounce back if you press with a finger.
7. Leave in the tins for 10 minutes or so, then run a knife around the edge of ea
ch tin and tip the
cake out onto a cooling rack and leave to cool for at least 1 hour.
Icing ingredients:
2 oz Marg/Butter
1.5 oz dark or milk chocolate (You don't need to be exact on this!)
300g (ish) icing sugar
3 tbsp (ish) water
1. Put the m
arg and chocolate into a bowl and microwave for 1 min, checking and stirring after 30
2. Once the mixture is melted, add about 100g icing sugar and stir until fully mixed. If the mixture
is very stiff, add some of the water.
3. Continue to add
icing sugar and small amounts (about 1 tbsp at a time) of water, keep beating
in between each addition. Stop once you have the right consistency and texture and once it tastes
4. Spread on top of sponges


How to Make a Laser Pointer

12:51 AM 0 Comments

How to Make a Laser Pointer 


1.Plastic tube
3.Push button
4.Laser diode
5.Button cell batteries

Step 1.
Hollow out he empty tube and  remove the end

Step 2.
Get a drillbit a bit  smaller than a diode
And then drill hole in the cap
Now the diode should fit sung
Or you may need to add glue
Step 4.
Bend the pins on the push button flat
Step 5.
Cut a groove in the tube for the whire
Step 6.
Attach the negative wire to one side
Attach the negative wire of the diode to the push button as well
Attach the positive wire of the diode to the spring
the whole circuit should be similar  like this

Step 7.
Put the batteries on the tube and put cap on
Step 8.
Tick the wire under the batery(negative side)

And Thats all you are ready to go