How To Make Your Own Wapuuno Cards

8:34 AM 0 Comments

Since WordCamp Miami 2016, we’ve been getting a lot of requests for the Wapuuno Cards. This is even after we posted the entire set on GitHub (they were a gift for our speakers for our 2016 event), we were getting asked either how to make them or if we had any extras to sell. As a policy, we don’t sell ANY WordCamp swag. So here’s how to make your own:

1. Download the cards from Github.
2. There are several vendors that can print playing cards. This is the vender WordCamp Miami uses, and what size cards we use:
3. Once you create your account and upload your cards, you can take it from there. Just remember that UNO card decks have 108 cards (not 52, like a standard deck of playing cards). Currently the cost for a single deck will probably land you around $25 not including shipping.
Hope this helps. If you do plan on using the cards for another conference, please us let know (and if you want to credit WordCamp Miami, that would be appreciated).
Finally I want to thanks each and every Wapuu artist for not only creating such a vast “family” of Wapuu to choose from, but also sharing these on Github. This is what the open source community is all about.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google